We aim to inspire students and prepare them for the rapidly changing world of work; we do this by enabling educators to invite business leaders for encounters with their student.

This gives students inspiration by having speakers attend their school, who give insight into their career journeys, the ups and downs they had, why they chose the career they in and what lessons they learnt along the way. Secondly, students are given exposure into the working world by gaining work experience in their chosen field whilst they studying. Additionally, students are supported with interview preparation and CV writing.

Research has shown students who encounter exposure into the work place and encounter inspiration leaders are 3 times as likely to enter into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) subjects and therefore, meeting the higher demands of the working world and also, 5 times less likely to become NEET (“Not in Education, Employment, or Training”).

  • Inspire students by connecting them with local and international business leaders from fast-growing companies
  • Research supports students feel inspired through leadership and work placement encounters
  • Give students ahead start by facilitating mock interviews and workplace visits
  • Placements provide students with valuable insight into the world of work
  • Helping students to close the skills gap, and choose the subjects at school that will help them find, create and be recruited into the jobs of tomorrow
  • By connecting students with local business leaders, we can help them gain the confidence and skills required to create the innovations that will define our future.
  • Teachers, parents and business leaders work together to solve the problem of youth employability